Reversing the iteration dimensions
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In some problems, you want to reverse the direction in which you iterate over a dimension.
For example, the natural starting algorithm of an algorithm that operate on the upper triangular part of a matrix is to iterate in the following way:
| ----->|
| ---->|
| --->|
| -->|
| ->|
However, as you schedule you want the tail to be at the diagonal rather than at the right side of the matrix; I can provide more context why is that if necessary. So, you will want to reverse the direction of the iteration dimensions over the rows:
| <-----|
| <----|
| <---|
| <--|
| <-|
Supporting that will require a new primitive that performs the following transformation:
def reverse_loop(proc, loop):
for i in seq(lo, hi):
s [i -> hi - (i - lo) - 1]
As a sanity check:
revese_loop(reverse_loop(proc, loop), loop)
would give us hi - ((hi - (i - lo) - 1) - lo) - 1 = hi - hi + i - lo + 1 + lo - 1 = i
There is a question of what analysis might be necessary to support this. A simple over-approximation would be to reuse the same analysis for parallelizing a loop then write a more specific analysis later on when the analysis gets revamped.
Loop carry dependency analysis will be necessary to support this, this is a good motivating example for the value sensitive analysis