
Speed problems

nobody16 opened this issue · 7 comments

Finally I have it running! after some closed bugs (thanks!).

... but, I have huge connection and I see 180kb/s speed limitation downloading some Documents (700Mb file). It's strange, using other tools I got more speed, maybe its a API limitation? maybe its a telethon limitation?

Telegram is pretty crypto heavy since all messages have to be encrypted and decrypted. This is a hard hit with files. Try pip install cryptg and let us know if the situation improves.

or maybe pip install --user --upgrade cryptg, to be more specfic

Yep, now its 2Mb/s so, you are right again.
maybe should be in the installation notes ;)

Surprised the speedup is this huge ;) we can leave this open until the README.md is updated.

@nobody16 Good to hear! I'll update the readme

PS it's worth noting that the speed you're getting is likely limited by Telegram and not by the crypto library