
NUIPreview is a Visual Studio plugin to preview Tizen.NUI user interfaces designed through XAML files.

Building dependencies

The binary dependencies for the plugin are stored in NUIPreview/deps and the build system bundles them inside the plugin binary. Therefore normal users don't need to build the dependencies, but you may need to update a dependency. As Visual Studio is a 32 bits process, you need to build all dependencies as 32 bits as well. First of all clone the VSIX fork of DALi:

$ git clone -b vsix git://
$ git clone -b vsix git://
$ git clone -b vsix git://
$ git clone -b vsix git://
$ git clone -b vsix git://

Our fork has nothing special, it is just DALi maste with a few patches that might not be merged yet. Also you need the windows-dependencies repo.

To build, make sure you followed the README file of dali-core to setup vcpkg.

Save the following bat file inside the directory where you cloned the repositories. Change the base_dir to your work directory.

set base_dir=C:\work
set common_args=-g "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A Win32 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%base_dir%\dali-env \
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=%base_dir%\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DENABLE_DEBUG=ON -Wno-dev

REM window-dependencies
cd %base_dir%\windows-dependencies\build\
rd /Q /S build
mkdir build
cd build
cmake %common_args% .. || goto :error
cmake --build . --target install --config debug || goto :error

REM dali-core
cd %base_dir%\dali-core\build\tizen
rd /Q /S build-windows
mkdir build-windows
cd build-windows
cmake --build . --target install --config debug || goto :error

REM dali-adaptor
cd %base_dir%\dali-adaptor\build\tizen
rd /Q /S build-windows
mkdir build-windows
cd build-windows
cmake --build . --target install --config debug || goto :error

REM dali-toolkit
cd %base_dir%\dali-toolkit\build\tizen
rd /Q /S build-windows
mkdir build-windows
cd build-windows
cmake --build . --target install -j1 --config debug || goto :error

REM dali-csharp-binder
cd %base_dir%\dali-csharp-binder\build\tizen
rd /Q /S build-windows
mkdir build-windows
cd build-windows
cmake %common_args% .. || goto :error
cmake --build . --target install --verbose --config debug || goto :error

cd %base_dir%\tizenfx-stub
rd /Q /S build-windows
mkdir build-windows
cd build-windows
cmake %common_args% .. || goto :error
cmake --build . --target install --verbose --config debug || goto :error

cd %base_dir%

Run the bat file to build all.

Plugin demo