
oov word prob is zero

rajhans opened this issue · 9 comments


I just installed 1.0.1 on MacOSx. I find that the model is assigning zero probability to oov words:
import spacy
x=nlp(u'this is an oovword')
[(t, t.is_oov, t.prob) for t in x]

[(this, False, -5.36181640625), (is, False, -4.457748889923096), (an, False, -6.014852046966553), (oovword, True, 0.0)]

More context: I had the same experience as the issue referenced here #535, and so I did these sequence of steps:
uninstall 0.100.0, install 1.0.1, download data, uninstall 1.0.1, install 1.0.1, download data

Can you do

ls `python -c "import spacy; print(spacy.get_data_path())"`

And tell me what you see?

ls python -c "import spacy; print(spacy.get_data_path())"

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'get_data_path'


ls `python -c "import spacy; print(spacy.util.get_data_path())"`

Here it is:

cache cookies.txt en-1.1.0 en_glove_cc_300_1m_vectors-1.0.0

ls -R python -c "import spacy; print(spacy.util.get_data_path())""

gives the following in en-1.1.0/vocab directory:

gazetteer.json lexemes.bin serializer.json tag_map.json
lemma_rules.json oov_prob strings.json vec.bin

Sorry I was in a hurry and didn't read your issue properly. This is obviously a bug — sec.

Published v1.0.3 on PyPi. Should be fixed. Thanks again!

Fantastic! Thanks Matthew.

lock commented

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