
Include more information with UnknownError

JoshuaKGoldberg opened this issue · 3 comments

I recently got a bunch of An unknown error occurred. (Exponent::Push::UnknownError) errors:

/app/codecademy/shared/bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/exponent-server-sdk-0.0.6/lib/exponent-server-sdk.rb:57:in `handle': An unknown error occurred. (Exponent::Push::UnknownError)
  from /app/codecademy/shared/bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/exponent-server-sdk-0.0.6/lib/exponent-server-sdk.rb:20:in `publish'
  from script/mobile/send_reminder_notifications.rb:18:in `block in send_notifications'
  ...(more from our call stack)

...that's about all the info contained. Is it possible to have more debug info logged with UnknownError? Maybe some or all of: the request URI, server response code, any error text it includes, some kind of unique ID if that exists in the system?

Aryk commented

I think some recent updates broke this thing... I'm getting:

Exponent::Push::UnknownError: Unknown error format: #Typhoeus::Response:0x00007fbcf7cf03f8

When I inspect the object, I can find the issues buried deep inside.

I'm facing this issue too, a lot of notifications are raising this error, and I don''t know what's happening