
Issue with Adding Firebase Version 9+ in Snack Expo v50.0.0

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I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to report an issue I've encountered while working with Snack Expo version 50.0.0. I have been attempting to update my project's Firebase dependencies to version 9 or higher, but I consistently face an error that prevents me from proceeding further.

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Dear Snack Expo Team,
I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to report an issue I've encountered while working with Snack Expo version 50.0.0. I have been attempting to update my project's Firebase dependencies to version 9 or higher, but I consistently face an error that prevents me from proceeding further.

When trying to add Firebase version 9.6.10 or any newer version, I encounter the following error message:
"Failed to resolve dependency 'firebase@^9.6.10' (Can't resolve '' in '/tmp/snackager/snackager/buildStatus/1/firebase@9.23.0-ios,android,web/package') Retry"

I have attempted to use various versions starting from 9.0.0 upwards, but the issue persists with each attempt. Utilizing the latest features and security fixes available in Firebase 9+ is crucial for my project, making this issue particularly impactful for me.

Could you please provide assistance in resolving this issue? Is this a known compatibility issue with Snack Expo v50.0.0, or are there additional configuration steps required on my end?

Thank you in advance for your support and assistance. I appreciate the opportunity to work with Snack Expo and look forward to a prompt resolution to this problem.

Best regards,