
error X button fails to close

chrisjj opened this issue · 1 comments


"x" button on an error item does not close it but instead opens a new box.

What platform(s) does this occur on?

Windows 7, Chrome browser

SDK Version

No idea. The web UI is not telling.

Reproducible demo or steps to reproduce from a blank project

Load https://snack.expo.dev/DmIeuw_elIBNNmkFWyJlk?platform=android
Click Launch Snack
Click the red X at left

Expected: the red error report box closes
Observed: a new box opens:

Note: this occurs on the web IDE with (FWIW) target platform Android.

"Please make sure contributors can follow the steps your provided in order to reproduce the bug." says the form.

Some mistake? This is impossible before submit.