
Improve the UI

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Using the Skeleton web-framework has made this a little better looking than I can do without, but there are still improvements to be made here. Someone with a better eye might be able to help here.

The utility looks very good, but to my eye, the elements are spread out quite a bit. It takes up my entire screen, so possibly reducing the spacing would be a better layout.

I think it would be useful to allow the Extension entry to take multiple extensions (perhaps comma or space separated) and turn them into individual lines in the resulting signature.

I've thought quite a bit about having the Mimetype entry field as a drop-down, with the most popular mime-types at the top, but it might get quite unwieldy, so perhaps just a few popular ones in the drop-down and the others as free entry boxes?

I like these suggestions Greg. Thank you.

I've managed to condense the interface a small bit tonight. It was something I was thinking about but I hadn't quite got the full swing of the Skeleton web-framework. I have made a comparison of after and before here:


It's not quite as neat as 1.0. Will continue to think about optimizations so we can fit more information on screen.

  • On extensions, definitely! This might be good as a separate issue here actually. It's pretty well defined and in-line with the signature file specification.
  • On mime types. I like that. If we can get the utility to a place where it has a certain "memory" of a PRONOM signature file then I think this will be entirely feasible. I haven't done a count of PRONOM mime's recently.