
Koa middleware to display GraphiQL, the interactive GraphQL UI

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Koa middleware to display GraphiQL. Designed for Koa 2.


npm i --save koa-graphiql

Add it to your Koa app. You may want to use router middleware if your app serves more than GraphiQL.

import graphiql from 'koa-graphiql';

router.get('/graphiql', graphiql(async (ctx) => {
  return {
    // String of the base URL of the GraphQL endpoint
    url: '/graphql',

    // String to display in the query panel
    query: 'query Demo($token: String) { viewer(token: $token) { id } }',

    // Object used to populate the "variables" panel
    variables: {
      token: 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.YWNjb3VudFtpZGVd.-w3FiHaq5jIFIOzHErgdEQGvXXG6wClBUDFDVgwUyx8'

    // Object to display in the result panel
    result: {
      data: {
        viewer: { id: 'account[ide]' }

Typically, you will want to populate the query, variables, and result fields from data in the Koa context, such as the query parameters or request body. koa-graphiql will do this for you by default.