
WithContext fails on env struct with method resulting in "not enough arguments to call"

Closed this issue · 5 comments

When using a struct to pass the environment and using a method on that struct which takes a context.Context as ctx on the first argument, calling that function in expr fails despite the use of the withContext patcher:

type testEnvContext struct {
	Context context.Context `expr:"ctx"`

func (testEnvContext) Fn(ctx context.Context, a int) int {
	return ctx.Value("value").(int) + a

func TestWithContext_env_struct(t *testing.T) {
	withContext := patcher.WithContext{Name: "ctx"}

	program, err := expr.Compile(`Fn(40)`, expr.Env(testEnvContext{}), expr.Patch(withContext))
	require.NoError(t, err)

	ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), "value", 2)
	env := testEnvContext{
		Context: ctx,

	output, err := expr.Run(program, env)
	require.NoError(t, err)
	require.Equal(t, 42, output)
--- FAIL: TestWithContext_env_struct (0.00s)
        	Error Trace:	/expr/patcher/with_context_test.go:77
        	Error:      	Received unexpected error:
        	            	not enough arguments to call Fn (1:1)
        	            	 | Fn(40)
        	            	 | ^
        	Test:       	TestWithContext_env_struct
FAIL	github.com/expr-lang/expr/patcher	0.004s

Using the example in the docs with the custom visitor does work

type patcher struct{}
var contextType = reflect.TypeOf((*context.Context)(nil)).Elem()
func (patcher) Visit(node *ast.Node) {
callNode, ok := (*node).(*ast.CallNode)
if !ok {
callNode.Arguments = append([]ast.Node{&ast.IdentifierNode{Value: "ctx"}}, callNode.Arguments...)

Looks like a bug.

I think the issue is here:

if fn.In(0).String() != "context.Context" {

If I add a Println for it, I get: patcher_test.testEnvContext In the case of the method on a struct, it needs fn.In(1).String(), then I get context.Context.

Yes, looks like this is the culprit.

If you happen to know how to resolve the difference I'm happy to send a PR. Just not sure how to figure it out since reflect.Kind() is reflect.Func in both cases.

Right now we can just check first and second IN arguments.

Later I’m planning to implement more advance type system #563 called Nature 🙃