
ExpressGNN-EM for Kinship / UW-CSE / Cora data

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If I understand correctly, implements ExpressGNN-EM for FB15k-237 and ExpressGNN-E for other datasets. If we'd like to run ExpressGNN-E for FB15k-237, we can just simply comment lines from 212 to 230, right?

If I'd like to run ExpressGNN-EM for other datasets, how to do it? Thanks!

Another question is about the result of FB15k-237. When I ran the command:

python -m main.train -data_root data/fb15k-237 -rule_filename cleaned_rules_weight_larger_than_0.9.txt -slice_dim 16 -batchsize 16 -use_gcn 1 -num_hops 1 -embedding_size 128 -gcn_free_size 127 -patience 20 -lr_decay_patience 100 -entropy_temp 1 -load_method 1 -exp_folder exp -exp_name freebase -device cuda

I think it runs ExpressGNN-EM and the paper reports 0.49 MMR and 0.608 HITS. However, I got MMR 0.4501 and HITS 0.5706, which look like the results of ExpressGNN-E, not ExpressGNN-EM. Would you tell me what goes wrong here? Thanks!