
Unexpected HashiCorp Vault Batch or "Non Renewable" Tokens Issue

Closed this issue · 4 comments

c-bx commented


I am running tests in a bare minimum minikube (v1.19.0) deployed Kubernetes cluster on a RHEL VM. Only to test this integration, External Secrets, and many others for retrieving secrets from a backend Vault service. minikube start --vm-driver=none and installing the helm chart for External Secrets with the edited values.yaml for the Vault backend:

Default values for kubernetes-external-secrets.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.

# Environment variables to set on deployment pod
  LOG_LEVEL: "debug"

ExternalSecrets CRD:

apiVersion: 'kubernetes-client.io/v1'
kind: ExternalSecret
  name: hello-vault-service
  backendType: vault
    - name: secrets
      key: <SECREST_PATH>
      parameter: <KEY>

Upon successfully installation, I then update the Vault Kubernetes auth config for the appropriate service account JWT Reviewer and CA CERT. The Vault role is defined to be of token_type "batch" and with a token_ttl of 5 minutes. KV Version 2.

Expected Outcome: Taking into consideration of the 1 minute POLLER_INTERVAL_MILLISECONDS, the renewal attempt of the batch token should happen when the remaining ttl is under/equal to the 3 minute mark. The attempt at renewing the Batch Token should fail since Batch Tokens are non renewable, then the client.token=null assignment takes place and a new authentication flow executes. After authenticating for a newly generated batch token, it should read the secrets successfully. This should repeat.

Actual Outcome: All of the above takes place until the batch token goes through the renewal attempt. The client.token=null is set and the authentication flow does execute successfully (confirmed in the vault backend). However, I am not sure as to why when the read secrets call is made Vault returns permission denied. I do know that the client_token that Vault backend sees during this failed read secrets call is the first original retrieved batch token and not the newly generated one. I proceeded to see if the client.token is set to the newly generated one on the next poll, it is not. An error will happen with the token lookup/renewal calls and then go through a new authentication only to continue this failed loop. This has a bad side effect on the Vault backend, newly generated tokens at the rate of the poller interval. This can lead to a build up of memory consumption/processing and then fail over the Vault service.

I took the testing idea of "non renewable" tokens to the Service Token type which by default is renewable. During the Vault role setup, I set num_uses=1 for the service token. The same issues with the batch token occurs here as well.

A fix that I had in place and I am by no means a good JavaScript developer. I took out the usage of the client object (believe it is leveraging node-vault from HashiCorp). Set the map data type to store just the clientToken and wrote the read secrets, lookup, renew and authentication calls within vault-backend. There are a lot of logs in place only for my sanity check. It works as intended for Batch Tokens and I haven't ran into issues yet*

Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. Thank you for your time! Appreciate it.

'use strict'

const KVBackend = require('./kv-backend')
const axios = require('axios')

/** Vault backend class. */
class VaultBackend extends KVBackend {
   * Create Vault backend.
   * @param {Object} vaultFactory - arrow function to create a vault client.
   * @param {Number} tokenRenewThreshold - tokens are renewed when ttl reaches this threshold
   * @param {Object} logger - Logger for logging stuff.
  constructor ({ vaultFactory, tokenRenewThreshold, logger, defaultVaultMountPoint, defaultVaultRole, defaultEndpoint, defaultNamespace }) {
    super({ logger })
    this._vaultFactory = vaultFactory
    this._clientTokens = new Map()
    this._tokenRenewThreshold = tokenRenewThreshold
    this._defaultVaultMountPoint = defaultVaultMountPoint
    this._defaultVaultRole = defaultVaultRole
    this._defaultEndpoint = defaultEndpoint
    this._defaultNamespace = defaultNamespace

   * Fetch Kubernetes service account token.
   * @returns {string} String representing the token of the service account running this pod.
  _fetchServiceAccountToken () {
    if (!this._serviceAccountToken) {
      const fs = require('fs')
      this._serviceAccountToken = fs.readFileSync('/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token', 'utf8')
    return this._serviceAccountToken

  async _authenticate (vaultMountPoint, vaultRole) {
    const token = this._fetchServiceAccountToken()
    const url = `${this._defaultEndpoint}/v1/auth/${vaultMountPoint}/login`
    const kuberentesData = {
      role: vaultRole,
      jwt: token
    const headers = {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'X-Vault-Namespace': `${this._defaultNamespace}`
    let response = await axios.post(url, kuberentesData, {
      headers: headers
    let clientToken = response.data.auth.client_token
    this._logger.debug(`AUTHENTICATE: ${JSON.stringify(clientToken)}`)
    return clientToken

  async _getSecrets (clientToken, key) {
    const url = `${this._defaultEndpoint}/v1/${key}`

    const headers = {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'X-Vault-Namespace': `${this._defaultNamespace}`,
      'X-Vault-Token': `${clientToken}`

    let response = await axios.get(url, {
      headers: headers
    let data = response.data
    this._logger.debug(`SECRETS: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`)
    return data

  async _tokenLookupSelf (clientToken) {
    const url = `${this._defaultEndpoint}/v1/auth/token/lookup-self`

    const headers = {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'X-Vault-Namespace': `${this._defaultNamespace}`,
      'X-Vault-Token': `${clientToken}`

    let response = await axios.get(url, {
      headers: headers
    let data = response.data
    this._logger.debug(`LOOKUP: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`)
    return data

  async _tokenRenewSelf (clientToken) {
    const url = `${this._defaultEndpoint}/v1/auth/token/renew-self`
    // make this dynamic, can be done to stay inline with the set token_ttl value
    const kubernetesData = {
      increment: "5m"

    const headers = {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'X-Vault-Namespace': `${this._defaultNamespace}`,
      'X-Vault-Token': `${clientToken}`

    let response = await axios.post(url, kubernetesData, {
      headers: headers
    let responseData = response.data
    this._logger.debug(`RENEW: ${JSON.stringify(responseData)}`)
    return true

   * Get secret property value from Vault.
   * @param {string} key - Secret key in the backend.
   * @param {object} keyOptions - Options for this specific key, eg version etc.
   * @param {object} specOptions - Options for this external secret, eg role
   * @param {string} specOptions.vaultMountPoint - mount point
   * @param {string} specOptions.vaultRole - role
   * @param {number} specOptions.kvVersion - K/V Version 1 or 2
   * @returns {Promise} Promise object representing secret property values.
  async _get ({ key, specOptions: { vaultMountPoint = null, vaultRole = null, kvVersion = 2 } }) {
    const vaultMountPointGet = vaultMountPoint || this._defaultVaultMountPoint
    const vaultRoleGet = vaultRole || this._defaultVaultRole
    const tokenCacheKey = `|m${vaultMountPointGet}|r${vaultRoleGet}|`
    let clientToken = this._clientTokens.get(tokenCacheKey)
    this._logger.debug(`CACHED: ${clientToken}`)

    if (typeof clientToken == 'undefined' || !clientToken) {
      clientToken = await this._authenticate(vaultMountPointGet, vaultRoleGet)
      if (typeof clientToken !== 'undefined') {
        this._clientTokens.set(tokenCacheKey, clientToken)
        this._logger.debug(`CACHED: ${clientToken}`)
      } else {
        clientToken = null
    if (typeof clientToken !== 'undefined' && clientToken) {
      try {
        const secretResponse = await this._getSecrets(clientToken, key)

        const tokenStatus = await this._tokenLookupSelf(clientToken)
        this._logger.debug(`vault token (role ${vaultRoleGet} on ${vaultMountPointGet}) valid for ${tokenStatus.data.ttl} seconds, renews at ${this._tokenRenewThreshold}`)

        if (Number(tokenStatus.data.ttl) <= this._tokenRenewThreshold) {
          this._logger.debug(`renewing role ${vaultRoleGet} on ${vaultMountPointGet} vault token ${clientToken}`)

          if (!(await this._tokenRenewSelf(clientToken))) { 
            this._logger.debug(`cached token renewal failed.  Clearing cached token for role ${vaultRoleGet} on ${vaultMountPointGet}`)
            clientToken = null

        if (kvVersion === 1) {
          return JSON.stringify(secretResponse.data)
        if (kvVersion === 2) {
          return JSON.stringify(secretResponse.data.data)
        throw new Error('Unknown "kvVersion" specified')
      } catch {
        this._logger.debug(`cached token operation failed.  Clearing cached token for role ${vaultRoleGet} on ${vaultMountPointGet}`)
        clientToken = null
        this._clientTokens.set(tokenCacheKey, clientToken)

module.exports = VaultBackend

This issue is stale because it has been open 90 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 30 days.

I am facing very similar issue, but we are not using batch tokens

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This issue was closed because it has been stalled for 30 days with no activity.