
Fetch all Azure KeyVault secrets

monti-python opened this issue · 4 comments

When many secrets are maintained in a single Azure KeyVault, it becomes rather cumbersome having to specify each secret twice, once in the KeyVault itself and again on the manifest for kubernetes-external-secrets.
It would be ideal if we could map a predetermined path (e.g. secrets) to the entire list of secrets. So they are added/removed dynamically.

I've made a PR with the suggested feature: #881

@Flydiverny @riccardomc Updated PR (merged latest changes from master)
I'd appreciate if you had time to give it a look, this feature would allow us AKS users to save quite some time.
Thanks in advance!

Hi @monti-python,
please see:

Oh, apologies I hadn't seen it... Thanks for the notice @Flydiverny !