
Add support for hovering over https://www.reddit.com/gallery/ links

Opened this issue · 7 comments

First I need to say a massive THANK YOU to the @extesy

Describe the solution you'd like
Add support for hovering over https://www.reddit.com/gallery/ links
A large image should appear on hover

Additional context
Current behaviour:
Hovering over the thumbnail pops us a small preview.
The link I am hovering over is: https://www.reddit.com/gallery/14z03vj

I'm just another user but do you happen to use Brave Browser? Weirdly I was experiencing the same thing. I disabled Shields, reloaded the page, re-enabled Shields, and now gallery zooming works fine across the site. Weird. Maybe some cookie error?

Update: The behavior OP was describing came back. But a quick removal and reinstallation of the extension seems to have fixed the issue now. Maybe some fluke in the extension update from Chrome store.

Edit: Spoke too soon. I'm seeing the same behavior again. Can't understand why this comes and goes like this. I'm using Brave's built-in adblock plus AdGuard, but disabling both still does OP's issue where only the single thumbnail is zoomed. I'll keep playing around I guess. Maybe I'll find something.

More info:

It seems to be happening on old.reddit.com since meanwhile new Reddit seems unaffected.



Expect: gallery view to open
Reality: the thumbnail itself is zoomed instead



Expect: gallery view to open
Reality: it does


Old Reddit galleries will spontaneously work but I can't find a single cause. Tried: Adblock disabling, cookies refresh, Reddit settings changes, extension re-install. Some things seem to work for a while but revert back. Odd.


Just guessing, but it seems like it might be some kind of cookie issue?

I realized that my previous post is not 100% accurate. The behavior is only currently happening for me on www.reddit.com, NOT on old.reddit.com or new.reddit.com and again, it only happens sometimes. Currently I'd say about 60-70% of the time. My Reddit experience is set to default to the "old" style, so I get the "old" format on all www URLs.

  • It tends to happen on certain subs more
  • If I switch to either the "old" or "new" reddit subdomains, the extension works fine immediately
  • Refreshing doesn't help, but logging out and back in usually helps
  • on NSFW subs, when this behavior happens, visiting the post page itself always reveals that there is a gray shaded "Click to view NSFW content" overlay on the gallery. Once I click that, the extension works again on that page as normally expected

I guess as a workaround I will just manually use the old.reddit.com URLs.

I have the same issue - hovering works on old.* but not www.* and my preferences are also set to use old style

Same issue on Brave.

I did a little digging into debugging and it seems like this issue is due to reddit limiting requests. You'll end up with the calls for the gallery images getting a "429: TooManyRequests" response. I wonder if it could be due to the fact that it's pre-querying for all the gallery images on a page at once.