
HoverZoom spams API requests on Reddit

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Describe the bug
When loaded with Reddit on /all multiple requests are sent to reddit.com/by_id/t3_*.json?raw_json=1, causing reddits API to go 429 very fast.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Open Chrome Dev Tools
Go to /all
Check blocks of multiple requests to t3_something.json
Repeat once or twice and requests start responding with 429.
This hinders othe webb api usages as adding or removing subreddits from the filter

Expected behavior
Don't spam reddits api with multiple requests.


Desktop (please complete the following information):
Win 10 PRO 22H2
Chrome 118

Additional context
Adding ||www.reddit.com/by_id/t3* to uBlocks filter list blocks those requests and solve the problems, aparently to no interference to HoverZooms functionality but you lose the ability to hover over albums

Just found out these are calls to Reddit galleries. And aparently they are pre-called by HoverZoom in a bunch.

Would suggest to at least add an option to disable this preload, if my assumptions are right

I believe this is also starting to cause old reddit to stop loading pages for a bit with 429 error. Adding the block as suggested to uBlock seems to stop the 429 error occurring again.

You can see others having the same issue: https://www.reddit.com/r/help/comments/1dtxt1c/http_error_429/

I believe this is also starting to cause old reddit to stop loading pages for a bit with 429 error. Adding the block as suggested to uBlock seems to stop the 429 error occurring again.

You can see others having the same issue: https://www.reddit.com/r/help/comments/1dtxt1c/http_error_429/

This resolves the 429 errors but breaks the gallery-feature. galleries are then no longer viewable with HoverZoom+ when blocking the request.

Thank you very much @extesy, looks good to me!