
Doesn't load all images on Reddit homepage

Closed this issue · 10 comments

Describe the bug

Only the first image is shown, the rest (after forcibly loading them due to #1209) show up as "probably deleted". Issue does not happen when the post itself is opened, only when the images are viewed on the homepage feed.

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to Reddit homepage
  2. Find a post with multiple photos
  3. Try to scroll through them

Expected behavior

All images are shown



Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 10
  • Browser Firefox
  • Version 123.0b9 (64-bit)

Update: sometimes no images are shown, at all.


Seems the issue is because Hoverzoom is trying to load .pn files instead of .png

@Atulin I've tried https://www.reddit.com/r/xbox/comments/1aoenb5/lotr_gollum_console/ and it works just fine for me. Please provide specific links instead of a generic "reddit homepage" which is different for everybody.

As I said, it works perfectly fine when you enter any particular post like in your example. It does not work on the homepage.

If the term "homepage" is unclear then I'm sorry, here's the direct link: https://reddit.com

I know how to find the reddit homepage :)
What I meant if that when that particular post was on my homepage I was able to scroll through all its gallery images. Perhaps it is related to the "new reddit" design which I do not use, so I'll need to check that.

Yes, it is the new design. Here's an example post

Update: Reddit got another redesign and now HoverZoom doesn't work at all. Not on the homepage, not in the post view.


Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/NameNerdCirclejerk/comments/1aqq6h8/list_of_banned_names_in_italy/

This only applies to galleries. Individual images are still zooming successfully.

Should be fixed by aac830b, I'll release a hotfix soon.

Should be fixed by aac830b, I'll release a hotfix soon.

I hate posting in a resolved issue but I'm still seeing this bug:

It only happens on the main page before you open the actual post.