
assertion failed [rem_idx != -1]: Unable to find existing allocation for shared memory segment to unmap

Closed this issue · 4 comments

just in the past days I'm getting the above error, previously it was working - strange!

docker compose yaml

version: "3"
    image: ghcr.io/extrange/ibkr:stable
    platform: linux/amd64
    shm_size: 500m
    container_name: ibgateway
    # restart: unless-stopped
      nofile: 10000
      - USERNAME=xxxx
      - PASSWORD=xxxxxx
      - IBC_TradingMode=paper
      # - IBC_ReadOnlyApi=yes
      - GATEWAY_OR_TWS=gateway
      - 6080:6080 # vnc
      - 8888:8888 # api


ibgateway  | 2024-01-24 07:25:31:974 IBC:     jts.ini: ApiOnly=true
ibgateway  | 2024-01-24 07:25:31:974 IBC: Starting Gateway
ibgateway  | 
ibgateway  | 
ibgateway  | Navigate to this URL:
ibgateway  | 
ibgateway  |     http://1b0800d336b3:6080/vnc.html?host=1b0800d336b3&port=6080
ibgateway  | 
ibgateway  | Press Ctrl-C to exit
ibgateway  | 
ibgateway  | 
ibgateway  | assertion failed [rem_idx != -1]: Unable to find existing allocation for shared memory segment to unmap
ibgateway  | (VMAllocationTracker.cpp:745 remove_shared_mem)
ibgateway  |  /opt/ibc/scripts/ibcstart.sh: line 504:   226 Trace/breakpoint trap   "$java_path/java" -cp "$ibc_classpath" $java_vm_options$autorestart_option $entry_point "$ibc_ini" "$ib_user_id" "$ib_password" ${mode}
ibgateway  | IBC returned exit status 133
ibgateway  | autorestart file not found
ibgateway  | 
ibgateway  | Gateway finished
ibgateway  | 
ibgateway exited with code 133

Mac OS, docker desktop, platform: linux/amd64 mode

ah damn I think it has to do with the recent Sonoma 14.3 update? didn't they say they'll improve security stuff?

Hey there - unfortunately as I don't have a Mac to test it on, I can't reproduce the issue. Also, it looks like this is an issue with IBC, rather than the docker setup. Does running the same version of IBC without docker result in the same error?

Closing as I cannot reproduce the issue, feel free to reopen if necessary.

Confirmed to be a recent Sonoma issue here: docker/for-mac#7220 (comment)