
SWXMLHash 6.0.0 Compatibility

Opened this issue · 4 comments

SWXMLHash 6.0.0 renames the main class from SWXMLHash to XMLHash.

This impacts Macaw in SVGParser -> parse()

changing to (lines 135-150) resolves:

    fileprivate func parse() throws -> Group {
        let config = XMLHash.config { config in
            config.shouldProcessNamespaces = true
        let parsedXml = config.parse(xmlString)

        var svgElement: XMLHash.XMLElement?
        for child in parsedXml.children {
            if let element = child.element {
                if element.name == "svg" {
                    svgElement = element
                    try prepareSvg(child.children)

The same happens to me

SWXMLHash version should be locked in podspec file until 6.0.0 is supported.

Facing the same issue.

Same issue here