
This extension breaks some site on the clearnet

Opened this issue · 1 comments

This extension is a good idea and behaves quite well on I2P.

But I got issues on the clearnet:

  1. I can't no more log in my bank account: After entering my ID, the extension prevent the on-screen keyboard to appear, so that I not able to type my password.

  2. On this site normally, when left-clicking on the' link "download" (in red with small letters), a popup appears , and then left-clicking on "view" gives some download links. With the extension installed (and activated), the popup does appear, but the download links are visible only during a brief period of time, after what they are replaced by a message indicating "Error 403: Not allowed!"

I got some others issues too, but with other extensions installed, probably interfering with this one (hcaptchas blocked, and the test on CoverYourTrack impossible to pass).

In any case, I think this extension, even enabled' should do absolutely nothing on the clearnet (except to test whether the site' s TLD is .i2p or not) , and should becomes active only on I2P.

Tested with a FF Portable v.93 running on W10/64, with I2P-in-Private-Browsing-Mode as sole extension.

Up to the point where that is possible I'll do my best not to interfere with clearnet sites, but there are a handful of settings which must be handled globally and until I know another way to deal with it. resistFingerprinting is a good example of a thing that can't really be set per-tab yet. This may take a long time to fix all the potential issues, but it will continue to be a goal.