
Unable to delete existing workflow task

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug
I wanted to delete an existing 'download data' task and re-add it fresh for testing purposes.
Pressing the delete button results in nothing happening and this error in the logs:

 core[18891]: {"time":"2024-06-06T20:24:35.428Z","severity":"error","message":"GenServer #PID<0.11307.1> terminating\n** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Systems.Workflow.BuilderView.handle_event/3\n    (core 0.1.0) systems/workflow/builder_view.ex:100: Systems.Workflow.BuilderView.handle_event(%{action: \"delete\", item: %Systems.Workflow.ItemModel{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, \"workflow_items\">, id: 187, group: nil, position: 2, title: \"TASK TITLE\", description: \"TASK DESCRIPTION\", workflow_id: 113, workflow: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :workflow is not loaded>, tool_ref_id: 192, tool_ref: %Systems.Workflow.ToolRefModel{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, \"tool_refs\">, id: 192, special: :submit, alliance_tool_id: nil, alliance_tool: nil, lab_tool_id: nil, lab_tool: nil, feldspar_tool_id: nil, feldspar_tool: nil, graphite_tool_id: 23, graphite_tool: %Systems.Graphite.ToolModel{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, \"graphite_tools\">, id: 23, deadline: ~U[2024-04-30 17:07:00Z], deadline_string: nil, auth_node_id: 2435, auth_node: %Core.Authorization.Node{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, \"authorization_nodes\">, id: 2435, parent_id: 2434, parent: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :parent is not loaded>, <TRUNCATED BY TESTER>

This also affects PANL workflow

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. create new benchmark item in project
  2. Go to workflow
  3. Try to delete one of the existing three workflow tasks.
  4. Or try to add a task to the workflow and delete this task afterwards

Expected behavior
Workflow task is deleted


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  • Safari
