
Use webpack for building

brianc opened this issue · 2 comments

Howdy -

I've been hunting for a nice typeahead for react for a while. I use SystemJS to load modules, generally by downloading their minified source from the /dist folder & checking that into our source control. This works fine for all the 3rd party stuff we use that's packaged up with webpack. I cannot get this module to load via SystemJS. Browserify is doing some funkiness with _process and require('react') - both of which throw errors for me. Would you be interested in me forking this & changing the build process to generate a distribution bundle with webpack instead of browserify? That library seems to generate distribution bundles that are more easily consumed with client-side module loading.

Absolutely. I will stir up something tonight and get back to you.


Is it possible to checkout the webpack branch seen in #3, and verify the library's usability? Thanks! 🚀