
"line 36 command not found"

Opened this issue · 2 comments

eteb3 commented

Sorry if this is a picnic question - am not very techie.

I double-click dependency installer; Mac alert top right of screen tells me they're installed (very neat; thank you).

I open macOCR ; I drag a PDF where directed; language dialogue opens; I proceed with "eng"; it runs; then I get this message:

​/private/var/folders/jr/g7r34jy92zq2ztq2zrd2xykh0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/8AB87144-5805-4587-A44D-3FCA9A96E66F/d/macOCR.app/Contents/Resources/script: line 36: ocrmypdf: command not found
OCR Completed.!

Nothing opens; can't find any output in Downloads etc (a useful add to the readme would be the expected behaviour)

Is it my machine or something in the app? Running Monterrey 12.6.5

Thank you.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention!

  • Good point on the README. I will update that soon with the expected behaviour
  • The ocrmypdf: command not found would suggest the Dependency Installer has failed. (I have just tested the app again on my machine and it proceeds fine).
  • Because you got the notification from the Installer that the dependencies have been installed this leaves two possibilities. 1) The dependencies correctly installed but something in the programme is not letting the app access them, or 2) The dependencies did not install, and the notification was produced in error.
  • I am inclined to think 2) is the case because the Installer if it works correctly is designed to provide the dependencies in a fairly foolproof way such that they should be found if accessible
  • Consequently, I think the best avenue to figure out the bug is the Installer. Could you please run the installer again and take a screenshot of any output during it?
eteb3 commented

Thank you for such a prompt response. Since then I've restarted the machine just in case, but same issue.

When I double click the dependency installer (which is in my Downloads folder), I get a flash of scrolling code in a Script Editor window - too fast to screenshot I'm afraid - and then the notification top right that you see here.

If I go to the option to "Show", Script Editor opens / gets focus and gives me a dialogue box inviting me to Open the dependency installer (or anything else). If I do, I see many lines of magenta-ish code in the Script Editor window. I assume this is your code rather than an output, but if you'd like me to post it here, I can of course do so.

Screenshots below of the notification from Dependency Installer, and manual searches in Finder for the apps you detail as being installed by it.

Screenshot 2023-04-25 at 06 47 24

Screenshot 2023-04-25 at 06 43 22

Screenshot 2023-04-25 at 06 42 15

Screenshot 2023-04-25 at 06 42 53