Add build.trout.prop
Closed this issue · 3 comments
Model Number show "Gingerbread on Sapphire"
this is fine for the Sapphire based phones but I'd rather see "Gingerbread on Dream" for HTC Dream variants
Some other adjustments may be made as well. mostly cosmetic.
If possible, I'd rather see "HTC Dream" in place of "Gingerbread on Dream", since this is what I was used to/has always been. What are the other adjustments you are talking about? Would adding biuld.trout.prop break something?
I ask out of ignorance.
I'd rather it say gingerbread.. particularly as this is the string I'lll see on market.. but you are welcome to change it.. its just a props file..
It might make it use trout.* libraries rather than sapphire.* ones.. but I think I already have the pairs of libraries (gps/sensors) where needed.
Most bug fixing is postponed until I merge in 2.3.3 .. mostly this is just changing the default tag from 'gingerbread' to 'gingerbread-release' for the aosp pull but anything I've modified locallu will need to be merged.. I'm also poking some on the kernel.
This has been merged in with the 2.3.3 update and is currently in the repo thus all future builds)