
A little React assignment for our future CodeCodeNinja developer

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

CCN Quotes

Thanks for your interest in working with us! This little assignment is here to assess your React knowledge, design skills, and testing style.

Before you begin

A few logistics to get out of the way:

  • Please clone the repo privately - do not make your code public. Invite @fdidron and @ezuk as collaborators so we can look at your work. This is because you are not the only one currently doing this assignment.
  • This assignment is not paid.
  • Any code you write or designs you create for this assignment will remain under your complete ownership, and will never be used by CodeCode Ninja. In November 2019 you may release this code publicly or add it to your portfolio if you wish.
  • Before you begin, please let us know when you intend to complete the task.
  • Questions are okay! Feel free to reach out over email with any feedback or questions as you work through the process. Communication is essential when working remotely.

Introduction: What you'll be building

A notes app! :) You're going to be making an SPA that lets the user:

  1. Pull a list of quotes from an API.
  2. Create a new quote.
  3. Update a quote.
  4. Delete a quote.

You will also write e2e tests using cypress to validate your work.

This repository contains everything to get started, including:

  1. A create-react-app to run the application in development mode.
  2. The cypress testing suite.
  3. A local api to CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) the quotes.

What we will (and won't) be looking at

To evaluate your work, we will be looking at the following factors:

  • Code quality and readability
  • UX design: How your app feels in the browser
  • Commit messages (how granular and clear they are)
  • React best practices
  • Your Cypress tests (both style, and what you choose to test)
  • Your communication throughout the process (talk to us if blocked, let us know when you'll be completing it ahead of time, etc)

We will not be looking at the following:

  • You do not need to complete each and every thing in the app. You can do a large chunk of the work (and not all of it) and still win; we are looking at the quality. You need to do enough for us to get a clear sense of your style and quality.
  • You do not need to be the first to finish. This is not a race. Finish when you said you would.

Getting started

Make sure you are running nodejs >= 10 before starting.

In the project directory, run: yarn to install all the dependencies. Then you can run the following commands:

yarn start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.

yarn cypress open

Opens Cypress's electron app, useful when writing test as it reloads the test suite when editing a test.

yarn cypress run

Executes the Cypress test suite in the terminal (headless mode).

yarn api

Runs the api locally.
The api is available @ http://localhost:3001.

API Specification

All the data is persisted in the db.json file located at the root of the repository. The API is built using json-server

Data model

The data model includes a single entity, the quote object:

  id: int, //auto increment
  author: string, // the quote author
  body: string, // the quote text
  source: string // the url pointing to the author profile


The available endpoints are:

// Get an array of quotes
GET    /quotes

// Get a single quote by id
GET    /quotes/{id}

// Create a new quote
// Required field are author / body / source
POST   /quotes

// Update a quote
// Allowed parameters are author / body / source
PUT    /quotes/{id}

// Delete a quote by id
DELETE /quotes/{id}

The following api features are not required for the assignement but are here if you feel creative :)


Use _page and optionally _limit to paginate returned data.

In the Link header you'll get first, prev, next and last links.

GET /quotes?_page=7
GET /quotes?_page=7&_limit=20

10 items are returned by default


Add _sort and _order (ascending order by default)

GET /quotes?_sort=author&_order=asc

Full-text search

Add q

GET /quotes?q=nyan