
Parsing of mixed case hexstrings fails

Closed this issue · 5 comments

We used to be able to parse hex-strings such as 0xAbCd, now we're failing on this.
My suspicion is that this was maybe introduced with #36 but I haven't verified that.

Why do we want to be able to parse mixed case strings? See https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-55.md

Of course, we should likely implement this feature in the in the Address constructor and throw there instead.

I can verify that this happens from fromJust $ mkHexString "0xAbBa":

            throw new Error("Failed pattern match at Data.Maybe line 270, column 1 - line 270, column 46: " + [ v.constructor.name ]);

I think it is important we allow mixed-case strings, because often users copy-paste addresses from websites that follow the EIP55.

I propose we

  1. Fix the hex string parser to allow mixed case
  2. Create an alternate constructor for mkAddress that follows EIP55 that fails on wrong check-sum implied by the mixed-case encoded hexstring.


there actually isn't a hex string parser anymore because i still had problems with stack overflow, we're just basically running through the text input and making sure that it "is a valid hex string"

so for (1) you can just supplement the character set in this function https://github.com/f-o-a-m/purescript-web3/blob/master/src/Network/Ethereum/Web3/Types/Types.purs#L139

for (2) i don't know if i understand exactly what you are proposing, can you just write the pr?


Regarding (2) @XertroV actually helped implement this in elm-web3, this might help for reference https://github.com/cmditch/elm-web3/pull/44/files#diff-5dcf14483310ac06f8844a6458d78110R133

@kejace - I think it was introduced here: 328a47b#diff-ededbfc84072116829037439fdc1c254L136

(You can see that only lower case chars are used), sounds like the soln is just to include ABCDEF in the list..

We should probably check the length % 2 == 0 also