Assignment 3 - StackOverdue


StackOverdue is a library management system with export-import, time travel and overdue book tracking capabilites

StackOverdue Interface

The program is executed via a shell, so only the shell's COMMANDS and API are listed (read didn't have time).

Shell Commands

  1. BROWSE: Provides the status of all the books.
  2. BOOK: Provides the status of a specific book.
  3. SEARCH: Searches for all books with a key-phrase in the title or author.
  4. ACCOUNTS: Provides account snapshots for all user accounts.
  5. ACCOUNT: Provides an account snapshot for a specific user account.
  6. CHECKOUT: Checks a book out to a user account.
  7. RENEW: Renews a checked out book. (Up to two times allowed)
  8. RETURN: Returns a checked out book.
  9. RECOMMEND: Generates a list of recommended books for a given user.
  10. ADDB: Adds a new book to the library.
  11. REMOVEB: Removes a specific book from the library.
  12. ADDA: Creates a new user account in the library.
  13. REMOVEA: Removes a specific user account from the library.
  14. SYSTEM: Provides diagnostic information about the system.
  15. TIME: Fast forwards the system time by a specified number of days.
  16. EXPORT: Exports the library's books and accounts to files.
  17. HELP: Displays this help menu.
  18. EXIT: Exists the program.

Shell Interface

  1. void prompt(): Prompts the user for an input and processes it
  2. bool getStatus(): Returns false when the user inputs 'EXIT' into it.

Compile, Run & Clean

To compile the project:

$ git clone
$ make

After Compilation is successful, run it using:

$ ./StackOverdue <Books File Name> <Accounts File Name>

If no files are provided, no default files will be used

To clean up, run:

$ make clean

Extra Features(read Bugs & Limitations)

  1. Although RECOMMEND has been checked for the NULL case, there maybe unexpected crash when the book recommendation is empty
  2. Input validation only happens at the Shell class. All other classes require validated input