
Primary LanguageShell


My personal configuration for linux. Pulls mainly from over people's configurations that may or may not be credited.


I use stow to link the dotfiles with the correct place. Default stow settings works if the repo is cloned in the home dir.

$ stow i3
$ stow zsh
$ stow whatever


Restart whatever application to use new settings. i3 has a restart shortcut. X session can be restarted with pkill x. Zsh load settings whenever its started (IIRC not everything but most).


  • i3 for window manager, latest version is required
  • rofi for opening desktop applications
  • compton for compposite manger
  • urxvt for terminal
  • zsh for shell
  • dunst for nofications
  • redshift for less eye burning
  • network-manager for networking
  • evince for pdf viewing


I jump between them a lot so things change quite a bit. Right now I am using Arch Linux.