macOS/Windows support
Kernald opened this issue · 6 comments
I was just wondering if you had any plans on supporting macOS and/or Windows in the future?
@Kernald Thanks for reaching out. I will put your question on the agenda for our next team meeting.
From it seems like the toolchain for MacOS could be obtained via and mirror at
I had plans to support macOS next, especially because we want to use it to do cross-compilation from macOS to Linux (cough cough containers).
@sluongng we already build GCC as part of building the custom sysroot in I have plans to swap the bootlin toolchains by the ones we build there. This will pave the way to build GCC for macOS next and have the same workflow for providing the entire toolchain.
As for Windows, it's a much lower priority for us, so I don't see it getting any attention unless we see someone wanting to fund the effort.
(sorry, closed by accident)
Currently, working on a similar issue. What would it take to support MacOS?
I think it only makes sense to add macOS support if it also supports cross-compilation to Linux. We need to build the GCC toolchain for macOS and tweak some assumptions I made while developing this repo for Linux.
We could take a bounty for this feature as a medium-sized effort under