
Set options per call

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Is there a way to pass custom options on each call?
Something like this.$awn.tip('Hello world!', options).

It's possible to change global options on the fly for ex.:

this.$awn.options.labels.success = 'new success label';
this.$awn.success('some message');

Sure, but then I have to do something like...

let oldSuccessLabel = this.$awn.options.labels.success // Save original option

this.$awn.options.labels.success = 'new success label' // Set my specific, one-time option

this.$awn.success('some message')

this.$awn.options.labels.success = oldSuccessLabel // Restore the original option

...for each call!

yep, unfortunately this is the only way for now as far as I know. The problem is connected to the awesome notifications library (not the vue implementaion) as it sets options upon initialization:

This will be implemented in v3.0.0 of awesome-notifications, which, I guess, will be reflected in this package.

f3oall/awesome-notifications#9 (comment)