
A node js and express js project that increases the development speed of rest apis backends by 30 or 40% includes document management, logs, users and roles, sending emails, among others.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Easy Rest Api Land

alt tag

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Project Structure
  3. Getting Started
    1. Install Node
    2. Create Project and Install Necessary Packages
    3. Compile
    4. Install TypeScript Packages
  4. Run SQL Scripting
  5. Set Application Settings
  6. Run Commands
  7. Response Structure
  8. JSON Files Messages
  9. Email Templates
  10. Using Endpoints
    1. Import into Postman
    2. Login and Register
    3. Logs
    4. Notifications
    5. Emails
    6. Documents
  11. Developing New Endpoints and Modules
  12. Example Adding New Module
  13. Explanation of Programming Code
    1. ControllerObject Explanation
    2. Builder Explanation
    3. Required Fields Explanation


Easy RestApi Land is a REST API project written in Node.js with TypeScript and Express.js. This project aims to increase the development speed of REST API backends by 30-40%, providing the essential components for building a backend application.

The project uses several design patterns, including generics, builder, repository, dependency injection, and some SOLID principles. It supports multi-paradigm programming, combining functional and object-oriented programming (FOOP).

This is a lightweight, manually constructed "framework" for developing REST API backends, primarily focusing on CRUD operations.

Project Structure

The project includes:

  • User and Roles Management

    • User registration
    • CRUD operations for users
    • Role-based functionalities and screen permissions
    • User login
    • Password reset/forgot password
    • Email verification for user activation
  • Security

    • JWT/User login
    • Refresh token
    • API key authorization
    • Role validation by user
  • Notifications

    • Notification management
    • Send notifications to all users
    • Email notifications
  • Documents

    • Document management with AWS S3
    • Save, update, and delete files on AWS S3
    • Retrieve file URLs by code
  • Additional Features

    • Easy and fast structure for creating CRUD operations
    • Unit Dynamic Central (UDC) for managing dropdown lists and other configurations
    • Logging for important app events
    • Email management with Nodemailer
    • Error management structure
    • Validations (required fields, regular expressions, etc.)
    • Microservices support

Getting Started

To use this framework, follow the steps below.

Install Node

curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash
nvm install 20.5.0
nvm use 20.5.0
nvm alias default 20.5.0
node -v
npm --version - 6.14.4

Create Project and Install Necessary Packages

mkdir myproject
cd myproject
npm init -y
npm install express axios dotenv aws-sdk cors mariadb nodemailer jsonwebtoken multer
npm install typescript
npm install ts-node-dev --save-dev
npm install mysql --save

Add the following scripts to your package.json:

"scripts": {
  "dev": "ts-node-dev src/index.ts",
  "mail": "ts-node-dev src/indexSendMail.ts",
  "connection": "ts-node-dev src/indexdbconnection.ts",
  "compile": "tsc",
  "start": "node build/index.js",
  "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"


npm run compile -- --init

Replace your tsconfig.json with the one provided here.

Install TypeScript Packages

npm install @types/express -D
npm install @types/cors -D
npm i --save-dev @types/multer
npm install mariadb @types/mariadb -D
npm i --save-dev @types/nodemailer
npm install typeorm reflect-metadata
npm install @types/node --save-dev
npm i --save-dev @types/multer

Run SQL Scripting

Run the SQL files in order on your MariaDB or MySQL from the dbScripting folder.

Install these libraries:

npm install -g typeorm@0.2.34
npm install -g typeorm-model-generator@0.4.6

Copy the ormConfig file to the root of the project and run:

typeorm-model-generator -h localhost -d easy_api_land_db -p 3306 -u root -x "password" -e mysql -o ./models_type_orm

Set Application Settings

Configure the .env file for correct endpoint operation. An example .env file is provided here.

# Company information 
COMPANY_NAME="Easy Rest Api Land"

# This logo is for show into the emails 

# These are the subjects for register and forgot password

#This is the host for confirmation register, I recomended to set the url of the backend project

# This is for build the url for vefiry forgot password

#This is the color of the emails titles

# this is the domain of the email logo

#This is the security api key if the endpoints require this, in the header you need to set -> x-api-key
#If this variable is 1, the endpoints validate the x-api-key

#This is the port of this server node backend

#DB Information on connection string

#JWT - All of JWT Tokens of login, refresh, forgot password and register token.


#JWT forgot password

#JWT Register Token

#Password Salt

#Is debugging active, not validate the regular expressions and show all console logs.

# General Settings
# This settings is the max numbers of fail logins, and page size by default if not set it on url params.

# AWS S3 File Storage Information
#configure IAM AWS

# Emails information - This information is for node mailer

Run Commands

Run Application (this is the main command for running the server)

npm run dev

Run DB Test Connection

npm run connection

Run Test Send Mail

npm run mail

Response Structure

All responses have the same JSON body structure:

    "status": {
        "id": 1,
        "message": "Success"
    "data": { },
    "info": "Login Successful"
  • Status: An object with id and message. This id is not the HTTP status but a specific identifier.
  • Message: Indicates the action, e.g., Unauthorized, Error, Warning, etc.
  • Data: Contains the main body information from the backend response.
  • Info: A string with additional information related to the response.

JSON Files Messages

The system uses several JSON files for message configuration. These files can be found here:

  • errorDBList.json: Contains database errors with respective error numbers, codes, and messages.
  • messages.json: Contains a list of messages for responses.
  • regex.json: Contains regular expressions and respective messages (only works if IS_DEBUGGING=0 in the .env file).
  • statusResponse.json: Contains the list of status response objects with respective IDs, names, and HTTP statuses.

Email Templates

Several email templates are available for various phases of the app, such as registration emails, account activation pages, and password reset emails. These templates can be found here.

Using Existing Endpoints

Import into Postman

Import the Postman collection file to test the current endpoints: Postman Collection.


Postman Collection Structure

Login and Register

  • Register a user:

Register User

Register User Response

  • Registration response example:

Registration Response Example

  • Email confirmation required:

Email Confirmation

  • Email confirmation message:

Email Confirmation Message

  • Login to get access token:

Login Response

  • Refresh access token without login:

Refresh Token


  • Save traceability of methods and errors:



  • Manage notifications and send them to users:


Notification Details


  • Send emails to users:


Send Email


  • Manage documents and files:


Document Management

Developing New Endpoints and Modules

To develop new endpoints, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new module or folder inside the src folder.
  2. Create necessary files like adapter and routes, if you need to change some method, extend the class and override the methods.
  3. Add routes in the main index.ts file.
  4. Use the existing structure as a guide to ensure consistency and maintainability.

For detailed instructions and examples, refer to the existing code and structure provided in the repository.

Example Adding New Module

We'll walk through adding a CRUD for managing the information of manufactures, using this as a learning example.

The example files are located in the repository under the test folder and the DB scripting for testing.

Note: These example files are not required for the normal functionality of your backend application. They are added here to complete the programming documentation.

Step-by-Step Example

Add example of manufacture, just for learning how can you add new modules. All of those steps is for explain that.

  1. Add Information to Unit Dynamics Central (UDC): Insert UDC data into the database (this data info is for use different types of industry type manufacture example):

    INSERT INTO `units_dynamic_central` (`code`, `name`, `type`, `value1`)
    ('AUTOMOTIVE', 'Automotive Industry', 'INDUSTRY_TYPE', 'Automotive'),
    ('TEXTILE', 'Textile Industry', 'INDUSTRY_TYPE', 'Textile'),
    ('TECHNOLOGY', 'Technology Industry', 'INDUSTRY_TYPE', 'Technology'),
    ('FOOD_AND_BEVERAGE', 'Food and Beverage Industry', 'INDUSTRY_TYPE', 'Food and Beverage'),
    ('PHARMACEUTICAL', 'Pharmaceutical Industry', 'INDUSTRY_TYPE', 'Pharmaceutical');
  2. Add the Manufacture Screen and Role: Add screen of manufacture, and linked the role and the screen, as well add the functionallities by role.

    INSERT INTO screens (code, name, description)
    INSERT INTO role_screen (role_code, screen_code, description) VALUES 
    ('ADMIN', 'MANUFACTURE_SCREEN', 'Screen for creating MANUFACTURES');
    INSERT INTO role_functionallity (role_code, func_type, function_code, screen_code, description) VALUES 
    ('ADMIN', 'C', 'MANUFACTURE_CREATE', 'MANUFACTURE_SCREEN', 'Create new project'),
    ('ADMIN', 'R', 'MANUFACTURE_READ', 'MANUFACTURE_SCREEN', 'Read new project'),
    ('ADMIN', 'U', 'MANUFACTURE_UPDATE', 'MANUFACTURE_SCREEN', 'Update new project'),
    ('ADMIN', 'D', 'MANUFACTURE_DELETE', 'MANUFACTURE_SCREEN', 'Delete new project');
  3. Add the Example Manufactures Table to the Database:

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `manufactures`;
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `manufactures` (
      `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
      `address` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL,
      `city` VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL,
      `state` VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL,
      `zip_code` VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT NULL,
      `country_iso_code` VARCHAR(3) DEFAULT NULL,
      `phone` VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT NULL,
      `email` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL,
      `website` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL,
      `is_deleted` TINYINT(1) DEFAULT 0,
      `udc_industry_type` VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL,
      `notes` TEXT DEFAULT NULL,
      FOREIGN KEY (`udc_industry_type`) REFERENCES `units_dynamic_central` (`code`)
  4. Generate ORM with DB First:

    typeorm-model-generator -h localhost -d easy_api_land_db -p 3306 -u root -x "password" -e mysql -o ./models_type_orm
  5. Add Folder and Files for the Module:

    • Create a folder named "test" inside src/Entities.
    • Add the following files:
      • ManufactureAdapter.ts
      • ManufactureRouter.ts
  6. Implement ManufactureAdapter.ts:

    // ManufactureAdapter.ts
     import { Request } from 'express';
     import { Manufactures } from "../../../models_type_orm/entities/Manufactures"
     import IAdapterFromBody from '../../Generics/Adapter/IAdapterFromBody';
    //This class implements the adapter and the programmer needs to set the methods
    export default  class ManufactureAdapter implements IAdapterFromBody {
        private req: any;
        constructor(req: any) {
            this.req = req;
        // set the body json object to specific entity
        entityFromPostBody(): Manufactures {
            const entity = new Manufactures();
            entity.name = this.req.body.name;
            entity.city = this.req.body.city || null;
            entity.address = this.req.body.address || null;
            entity.countryIsoCode = this.req.body.country_iso_code || null;
            entity.email = this.req.body.email || null;
            entity.state = this.req.body.state || null;
            entity.zipCode = this.req.body.zip_code || null;
            entity.phone = this.req.body.phone || null;
            entity.website = this.req.body.website || null;
            entity.udcIndustryType = this.req.body.industry_type;
            entity.notes = this.req.body.notes || null;
            entity.createdDate = new Date();
            return entity;
         // set the entity, to json body response
        entityToResponse(entity: Manufactures): any {
            return {
                id: entity.id,
                name: entity.name,
                address: entity.address,
                city: entity.city,
                state: entity.state,
                zip_code: entity.zipCode,
                country_iso_code: entity.countryIsoCode,
                phone: entity.phone,
                email: entity.email,
                website: entity.website,
                industry_type: entity.udcIndustryType,
                notes: entity.notes,
                created_date: entity.createdDate,
                updated_date: entity.updatedDate
        entitiesToResponse(entities: Manufactures[] | null): any {
            const response: any[] = [];
            if (entities != null) {
                for (const entity of entities) {
            return response;
    export default ManufactureAdapter;
  7. Implement ManufactureRouter.ts:

    // ManufactureRouter.ts
    import { Router, Request, Response } from 'express';
    import ManufactureAdapter from './ManufactureAdapter';
    import GenericController from './GenericController';
    import { Manufactures } from './models/Manufactures';
    const route = Router();
    //Instance new Controller Object Class
    const controllerObj: ControllerObject = {
        create: "MANUFACTURE_CREATE",
        update: "MANUFACTURE_UPDATE",
        delete: "MANUFACTURE_DELETE",
        getAll: "MANUFACTURE_READ",
        getById: "MANUFACTURE_READ",
        controller: "ManufactureController"
    // New instance of Generic Controller
    // if you need to change some method of this class, you can create a new Controller extends this GenericController
    // And then override the methods.
    const controller = new GenericController(Manufactures, controllerObj);
     // Create the route for get manufacture
    // You can see the ManufactureRouter.ts to see all the CRUD methods
    route.get("/manufacture/get", async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
        const requestHandler = new RequestHandlerBuilder(res, req)
            .setAdapter(new ManufactureAdapter(req))
    export default route;
  8. Set Router in index.ts:

    import ManufactureRouter from './Entities/test/ManufactureRouter';
  9. Run the Server and Test:

    npm run dev

    You can now test your new endpoints using Postman or any other API testing tool.

By following these steps, you will have successfully added a new CRUD module for managing manufactures, including all necessary endpoints and database integrations.

Explanation of Programming Code

ControllerObject Explanation

  • We need to set the controller object and add the functionalities added in the last example of the table role_functionality, like this:
    const controllerObj: ControllerObject = {
      create: "MANUFACTURE_CREATE",
      update: "MANUFACTURE_UPDATE",
      delete: "MANUFACTURE_DELETE",
      getAll: "MANUFACTURE_READ",
      getById: "MANUFACTURE_READ",
      controller: "ManufactureController"

Builder Explanation

  • .setAdapter(new ManufactureAdapter(req)): This method is required and sends the specific adapter as a param.

  • .setMethod("getManufactureById"): This is the name of the respective method. We need to set it because all the methods are so generic. It is used for identification in case of an error or something similar.

  • .isValidateWhereByUserId(): Validates if the table has a user ID. For example, if the table is linked with a user ID, and only this user can change the information of this object.

  • .isValidateRole(): If the method needs to validate role permissions.

  • .isLogicalRemove(): If the table has an "is_deleted" field, add this method to perform a logical removal. If not added, the removal is complete in the DB.

  • .setFilters(filters): If the endpoint gets multiple responses, you can set filters in the URL params, like this:

    const countryParam: string | null = getUrlParam("country", req) || null;
    const industryParam: string | null = getUrlParam("industry_type", req) || null;
    const filters: FindManyOptions = {};
    if (industryParam != null) {
        filters.where = { ...filters.where, udcIndustryType: industryParam };
    if (countryParam != null) {
        filters.where = { ...filters.where, countryIsoCode: countryParam };
  • .setRegexValidation(regexValidationList): If the endpoint is POST or PUT, or needs to send something in the body JSON and validate regular expressions, set it like this:

    const regexValidationList: [string, string][] = [
      ['EMAIL_REGEX', req.body.email as string]

Required Fields Explanation

Use the validateRequiredBodyJson method found here. Add something like this:

else if (validateEndPoint == "MANUFACTURE_CREATE") {
    if (!this.req.body.name || !this.req.body.industry_type) {
        hasRequiredFields = false;

Current Version

  • v1 25/May/2024


Author Fabián Rosales - Frosquivel Developer

alt tag alt tag alt tag


Copyright 2024 Fabian Rosales

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.