
[✅Solved] Deployment error on ARM-Architecture (➡️ includes Raspberri Pi's)

Closed this issue · 6 comments

DJ-Dan commented

Hello everyone,

I have two Portainers running and I get the following error message on both when creating stacks:

failed to deploy a stack: breitband-desktop Pulling breitband-desktop Warning failed to solve: executor failed running [/bin/sh -c apt update && apt upgrade -yy && apt install -y apt-utils nano htop libatk1.0-0 libatk-bridge2.0-0 libgtk-3-0 libgbm-dev libxss1 libasound2 wget xterm libnss3 locales xdotool xclip && wget https://download.breitbandmessung.de/bbm/Breitbandmessung-linux.deb && dpkg -i Breitbandmessung-linux.deb && locale-gen de_DE.UTF-8 && rm -rf /var/cache/apt /var/lib/apt/lists]: exit code: 1

I proceeded as described in the picture here in GitHub or as described in the video from SemperVideo.
Is anyone able to help me?

I get the same error

I cannot reproduce this error on my system.

Have you tried any other deployment options (for example via docker compose) as described in the Reademe.md?

are u running it on a raspberry pi? then its not working

DJ-Dan commented

are u running it on a raspberry pi? then its not working

Yes, why doesn't it run on a raspberry pi?

I do not know. but i test it, with my rpi4 with standard setup don't work. then with fresh installation Don't work. all iso was the 64bit version
Ubuntu + Docker on my Laptop, It Work
Windows 10 & 11 + Docker, it Work

see also https://github.com/fabianbees/breitbandmessung-docker#support-for-arm-architecture-raspberry-pi

The ARM-Architecture (➡️ also all Raspberry Pi's) is not supported!

Support for this architecture cannot be provided, as the precompiled binary of the "breitbandmessung.de" program is not available for this architecture.