
Issues with UDB and 1.11 firmware

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I've followed the guide, updating to the beta 1.11 firmware rather than using the custom kernel, but after going through all the steps its not working.

sh -c "$(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fabianishere/udm-kernel-too

What is your WAN port?

  1. eth4 (WAN 1)
    Enter WAN port [default: eth4]: 1
    Is IPTV traffic carried over a separate VLAN? ([Y]es or [N]o): n
    Which WAN interface carries your network traffic?
    1: eth4 [IPv4 Address: None]
    2: ppp0 [IPv4 Address: ]
    Enter WAN interface [default: eth4]: 2
    Which addresses are used for IPTV traffic?
    Enter WAN ranges [default:]:
    Which LANs are allowed to receive IPTV traffic?
    1: br0 [IPv4 Address:]
    2: br2 [IPv4 Address:]
    3: br3 [IPv4 Address:]
    Enter LAN interfaces separated by spaces [default: br0]: 1
    Generated the following configuration:
    WAN Interface: ppp0
    IPTV VLAN (WAN): 0
    IPTV Ranges (WAN):
    LAN Interfaces: br0
    IPTV boot script successfully installed at /mnt/data/on_boot.d/15-iptv.sh
    See https://github.com/fabianishere/udm-kernel-tools/blob/master/docs/iptv.md for more information
    Should the container be started immediately? ([Y]es or [N]o): y
    Starting container...
    WARNING: The same type, major and minor should not be used for multiple devices.
    WARNING: The same type, major and minor should not be used for multiple devices.
    WARNING: The same type, major and minor should not be used for multiple devices.
    WARNING: The same type, major and minor should not be used for multiple devices.
    WARNING: The same type, major and minor should not be used for multiple devices.
    WARNING: The same type, major and minor should not be used for multiple devices.
    WARNING: The same type, major and minor should not be used for multiple devices.
    udm-iptv: NATing IPTV network ranges (if necessary)...
    iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
    udm-iptv: Setting up igmpproxy..
    udm-iptv: Starting igmpproxy..

Running the debugging/troubleshooting commands ends up with the following;

ip route list

dev ppp0 proto kernel scope link src dev br0 proto kernel scope link src dev br3 proto kernel scope link src dev br2 proto kernel scope link src

ip -4 addr show dev iptv

Device "iptv" does not exist.

Any idea where its going wrong?

Since you have indicated that IPTV traffic is not carried over a separate VLAN, the "iptv" interface will not be created.

ok, that makes sense. Its still not working as yet, but at least i can rule that out

You need to check whether you have satisfied all requirements for your ISP.

Perhaps it is necessary to configure a static IP address for the IPTV network: https://community.bt.com/t5/YouView-from-BT/Inbound-IGMP-Multicast-for-BT-TV-Inconsistantly-Terminates/m-p/2105739/highlight/true#M59657

Otherwise, I suggest trying to use tcpdump to see what's happening on your network w.r.t. IPTV.