
Flight Arcade (Microsoft Edge HTML5 demo)

mateusza opened this issue · 1 comments

What's the Product's Name?

Flight Arcade

Describe the product in a single sentence.

Web browser based clone of Flight Simulator game. Created as a showcase of Microsoft Edge support for modern HTML5 and JavaScript.

When was the product launched? Provide a specific date, if possible.

2015 https://www.windowscentral.com/microsoft-revisits-its-flight-simulator-series-web-based-flight-arcade-game

First appearance in Wayback Machine is 2015-05-01 http://web.archive.org/web/20150501000000*/http://www.flightarcade.com/

When was the product discontinued? Provide a specific date, if possible.

The website started to respond after April of 2021.

Last appearance in Wayback Machine is 2021-04-17 http://web.archive.org/web/20210401000000*/http://www.flightarcade.com/

What type of product was it? App, Service, OS, or Hardware?

Web based game.

Added be16f2e

Thanks for the contribution!