False violation when using :access-layers due to dependency on namespaces not defined in layers
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fabiodomingues commented
When using :access-layers you are generating violations due to dependency on namespaces not defined in the layers.
Test scenario that simulates this issue:
(testing "should return zero violations when a layer has namespaces that depend on another namespace that is not in any layer of the configuration"
(is (= []
(analyzer/analyze {:config {:layers {:a {:defined-by ".*\\.a\\..*", :accesses-layers #{:c :b}},
:c {:defined-by ".*\\.c\\..*", :accesses-layers #{}}}}
:dependencies-by-namespace {'foo.a.bar #{'foo.c.bar 'foo.b.bar}
'foo.b.bar #{'foo.b.baz}
'foo.b.baz #{}
'foo.c.bar #{'foo.b.bar}}}))))
({:dependency-layer nil
:dependency-namespace foo.b.bar
:layer :a
:message "\"foo.a.bar\" should not depend on \"foo.b.bar\" (layer \":a\" on \"\")"
:namespace foo.a.bar}
{:dependency-layer nil
:dependency-namespace foo.b.bar
:layer :c
:message "\"foo.c.bar\" should not depend on \"foo.b.bar\" (layer \":c\" on \"\")"
:namespace foo.c.bar})