
Win 10 compatibility issue with gym box (Comment Not an ISSUE)

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Unfortunately for some reason, in Windows 10, there will be an assertion error for all the environments, even for the provided ones. It seems to me this is a Win 10 compatibility problem or a version issue with the Numpy or any other packages because simply commenting the following line in the gym\spaces\box.py can resolve the problem.

assert np.isscalar(low) and np.isscalar(high)

For example, without removing that line, the following code is not going to run. However, after commenting, it's working.

python -m tonic.train --header "import tonic.torch" --agent "tonic.torch.agents.PPO()" --environment "tonic.environments.Gym('BipedalWalker-v2')" --name PPO-X --seed 0

Hopefully, this helps others with the same problem.

Hey! Sorry for the late reply.
Cool thanks for the feedback on WIndows. Unfortunately I have only tried Tonic on macOS and Ubuntu.
As you said, it seems to be a problem with Gym, have you opened an issue there?