
Cannot watch relative paths

BlackGlory opened this issue · 2 comments

I noticed that relative paths watchers don't emit events at all.

// no events
const watcher = new Watcher(this.dirname, {
  renameDetection: true
, ignoreInitial: true
, recursive: true

// emit events
const watcher = new Watcher(path.resolve(this.dirname), {
  renameDetection: true
, ignoreInitial: true
, recursive: true

Is this expected behavior?

Is this expected behavior?

Not really, I think I wrote the library without thinking of this use case. I think it should either throw and tell you to use an absolute path or just resolve relative paths automatically for you, I'm not sure which one would be better. The second option would be more convenient but also more error prone.

Just ran into this bug myself. I vote for throwing an error, having an option to specify the cwd is just unnecessary bloat.