
Allow remotes other than 'origin'

jbrwilkinson opened this issue · 2 comments

When working with more than one remote, it's useful to name the remote according to e.g. the service it came from:

git clone --origin github https://jbwilkinson@github.com/fabioz/mu-repo


git clone --origin home-nas git://home-nas/mu-repo


mu-repo currently assumes that a remote is named 'origin'. When it isn't, many commands fail.

Seems reasonable (there are really a few hard-coded origin occurrences: https://github.com/fabioz/mu-repo/search?q=origin&unscoped_q=origin).

Note: from what I could see, the commands which would fail are the custom ones such as: mu acp, mu p, mu rb, mu up, mu upd.

If there's only one remote, it should probably query to make sure it's using the one available, but if there's more than one it could get the default from an env var or specify in the command line.. maybe something as mu rb --remote=<remote-name>.

What do you think? Any suggestions?

Closing since there are no plans to implement this -- pull requests welcome ;)