
mu sh npm i - not working - attempts to run git instead

benlester opened this issue · 5 comments

I run mu on two systems - my linux machine works fine, but my macbook does not.

ben@Benjamins-MacBook-Pro [16:28:01] [~/dev/sabstt/enterprise]
-> % mu --version
mu-repo version 1.8.1

When I run a custom sh command it looks like mu is trying to run it via git instead:

 ben@Benjamins-MacBook-Pro [16:32:00] [~/dev/sabstt/enterprise]
-> % mu sh npm i

  admin-api : git i

So obviously this fails... the strange thing is this works fine on my aforementioned linux box:

enterprise|⇒ mu sh npm i

 admin-api : npm i

That too is running 1.8.1.

What does ‘mu sh which npm’ say on your Mac?

 ben@Benjamins-MacBook-Pro [09:52:45] [~/dev/sabstt/enterprise]
-> % mu sh which npm

  admin-api : git npm

Seems correct?

@benlester can you still reproduce this?

As a note, I don't really have a Mac to check... are you interested in debugging it?

The code should be straightforward if you're interested in doing some debugging... The related are is: https://github.com/fabioz/mu-repo/blob/master/mu_repo/__init__.py#L328

james@MacMini github.com % mu sh bash --version

  browserosaurus : git --version
    GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release (arm64-apple-darwin21)
    Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

  mu-repo : git --version
    GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release (arm64-apple-darwin21)
    Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

So the output is incorrect (says git) but the command executes correctly for me.

@benlester Does the npm command you're invoking work if you cd into one of the subdirectories?

Apologies for the very late reply.

I uninstalled mu-repo via pip uninstall mu-repo and reinstalled with pip install mu-repo and it appears to be working now. Very strange.