
Final step "Check password" wrong error

pral2a opened this issue · 0 comments

The onboarding final steps performs to simultaneous actions:

1. User authentication: For registered users (A): submits username name and password. For new users (B): submits new username and password (Username uniqueness is validated one step before, Password compliance is validated in front-end). Response is a valid user-token that can be used to interact with the platform API. Error Response is a user creation or login issue. (A: wrong password and B: some other issue in the user creation process).

2. Register device. Uses the obtained user-token to turn the orphan-device definition into a real device. Response is a device including device-id to redirect the user to the newly created device page. Error Response some property was missing or didn't pass some of the platform requirements to create a new device. i.e. location missing

As both steps are performed sequentially in the same view but only one type of error is allowed a "Check password" can be reported in cases where the problem is related to step 2. Register device.

Mitigation actions:

Split the process in two steps and improve the user error feedback for each of the steps