
Project Management page

Closed this issue · 3 comments


Create a page where users can manage the project(s) they are working on

  • Add feature to remove a project
  • Add feature to validate a project (before publishing)
  • Add feature to consult a project from an other user

Some notes:

  • A validated project is automatically published for now.
  • Only project with all steps completed can be validated, they must reach the overview page
  • A validated project can still be modified by its author
  • Other users have access to validated projects, but cannot modify them. The inputs can still be changed, but nothing is saved.

Remaining TODOs (with less priority):

  • Add a validation button to the overview page (related: #15)
  • Publishing validated projects shouldn't be automatic
TTalex commented

Turns out publishing validated project should be automatic, since they are mandated by public authorities believing on open data.

See MVP2 for a followup on UX/UI questions