
Create A Project page

Closed this issue · 4 comments


Modifying contents on the page where users can create a new project

  • Add a list of suggested cities @TTalex
  • Remove French Overseas Departements from the list @TTalex
  • Allow users to turn back on this page @TTalex
  • Clarify what is a partner city @maloufabmob
  • Modify the shadow mark to orientate the name of the project
  • Validate the fields to fill
    (-> maybe others are necessary -> check the GIZ database)
  • Add feature to allow the user to custom time lapses

-> is this feature on this page ?

Fields present in GIZ transport db that we do not have:

  • Region (e.g. Latin America)
  • Author (e.g. ifeu / giz): I guess that could be our 'owner' field, but it's the user email for us, not the company
TTalex commented

See MVP2 for a followup on UI/UX.
Missing fields will not be added, as they are not a priority.