
Transport Categories

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Modifying contents on the page where users can select the existing transport categories on their territory

  • Clarify the contents explaining that customizing transport category allows to merge existing categories (as long as the distribution of the fuels are similar) / Explain that the tool bases the emissions calculation on the emissions factor linked to the fuel @maloufabmob
  • Change "moto-taxi" name ? (-> validate with MYC)
  • Add "cargobike" and "coach" to the existing categories @TTalex

We're missing some definitions for the new categories

Cargobike and coach added in commit 7bed656

Icons and definition have been arbitrarily set:
"🚲 Cargo bike": 'Cycle designed for transporting loads'
"🚌 Coach": 'Bus used for longer-distance service.'

TTalex commented

See new MVP2 design for a followup