
"No service hubot is running!!!" for cd-pipeline

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I have installed cd-pipeline, chat-letschat applications and created an CD pipeline using CanaryReleasePromote workflow. When the workflow stops to request to process or abort to the next step, no message appears within the IRC chat window and we can read this message within the jenkins log "No service hubot is running!!!""

If I look to the pods deployed, we can see that hubot/letschat pods/service are running

oc get pods | grep hubot
hubot-letschat-qrzaz                 1/1       Running   0          27m
hubot-notifier-hupiq                 1/1       Running   0          27m

oc get service | grep hubot
hubot                            80/TCP                  group=io.fabric8.devops.apps,project=hubot-letschat,provider=fabric8            27m
hubot-jenkins-notifier    <none>        5555/TCP                project=hubot-letschat,provider=fabric8                                         27m

oc get pods | grep letschat
hubot-letschat-qrzaz                 1/1       Running   0          27m
letschat-gmodx                       2/2       Running   0          27m

oc get service | grep letschat
hubot                            80/TCP                  group=io.fabric8.devops.apps,project=hubot-letschat,provider=fabric8            27m
hubot-jenkins-notifier    <none>        5555/TCP                project=hubot-letschat,provider=fabric8                                         27m
letschat                         80/TCP                  name=letschat 

Some info are nevertheless reported to the IRC channel -->

added buildConfig default / demo9 http://fabric8.vagrant.f8/kubernetes/namespace/default/buildconfigs/demo9
added pod default / 120a471322ef http://fabric8.vagrant.f8/kubernetes/namespace/default/pods/120a471322ef
added pod default / buildpod-a956cc63-8e5c-4098-a41b-55f23cd183db http://fabric8.vagrant.f8/kubernetes/namespace/default/pods/buildpod-a956cc63-8e5c-4098-a41b-55f23cd183db