
Rails 3 Responder: undefined method `list_url'

mrrooijen opened this issue · 1 comments

When nesting routes like so:

namespace :api do
  namespace :v1 do
    resources :items
    resources :lists

and having a controller like so:

class Api::V1::ListsController < ApiController
  self.responder = ActsAsApi::Responder
  respond_to :json

  def create
    respond_with List.create(params[:list]), :api_template => :public

On successful creation it'll error out with a 500 internal server error because of the following exception:

NoMethodError (undefined method `list_url' for #<Api::V1::ListsController:0x007fa3518e3f68>):
  app/controllers/api/v1/lists_controller.rb:20:in `create'

When I add the following to my routes, it fixed it, but is not desired.

resources :lists

This of course generates the list_url() method, but what does a JSON responder need it for, and why doesn't it pick the nested version if it really needs the list_url (e.g. api_v1_list_url)?

Any idea how to fix this without generating a root-level route for the List resource?


As far as I can see this is not caused by acts_as_api but by ActionController::Responder.

The error occurs, because the responder tries to set the Location HTTP Header on create, but this fails on nested routes.

Another example of this problem without acts_as_api can be found here: rails/rails#2798

So the solution is:
Add the location options, when rendering the response of a #create action

@list =  List.create(params[:list])
respond_with @list, :api_template => :public, :location => api_v1_list_url(@list)

Hope this helps!