ML for false positive prediction
fabriziosalmi opened this issue · 2 comments
fabriziosalmi commented
1. Hourly Cron Job
- Use a cron job to run a Python script every hour.
0 * * * * /usr/bin/python3 /path_to_your_script/
2. Comparison with Whitelist
- Fetch the updated blacklist and compare it with the whitelist.
blacklist = fetch_updated_blacklist() # Define a function to fetch the updated blacklist
whitelist = load_whitelist() # Load the whitelist from a file or a database
false_positives = set(blacklist).intersection(whitelist) # Find overlaps between blacklist and whitelist
3. Machine Learning Model
- Use a pre-trained model to predict whether the identified overlaps are indeed false positives.
model = load_pretrained_model() # Load a pre-trained model
for url in false_positives:
is_false_positive = model.predict(url) # Predict whether the URL is a false positive
if is_false_positive:
refine_blacklist(url) # Remove the false positive from the blacklist
4. Refinement
- Refine the blacklist by removing the confirmed false positives.
def refine_blacklist(url):
blacklist.remove(url) # Remove the URL from the blacklist
save_updated_blacklist(blacklist) # Save the updated blacklist to a file or a database
5. Alerting/Logging
- Log the results and send alerts if necessary.
import logging
logging.basicConfig(filename='blacklist_refinement.log', level=logging.INFO)
if false_positives:"False positives identified and refined: {false_positives}")
send_alert(false_positives) # Define a function to send alerts, e.g., email
Additional Considerations:
- Model Training: Regularly retrain your model with new data to ensure it stays accurate.
- Performance Monitoring: Monitor the performance of your model and the accuracy of its predictions.
- User Feedback: Incorporate feedback from users to identify additional false positives/negatives and improve the model.
This is a high-level overview and pseudo-code.
fabriziosalmi commented
Doing a model from scratch for this purpose.
Check wiki documentation 🍻