Need some help with ScrollTo in CollectionView
reigam opened this issue · 3 comments
reigam commented
Question / Discussion
Sorry, tried to solve my "scrollTo" problem like shown in Issue #470, this didn't work for me at all. I found another solution (which I thought I tried before), so I'm closing this issue.
SergejDK commented
I think it would be great if you can include your solution in this issue. Maybe this will help someone else, too.
reigam commented
Sure, will do so tonight, thanks for the feedback.
reigam commented
I wanted to start each new page on top of my CollectionView, changing the model (checking a radio button) should not affect the scroll position.
Here is my solution, in case i should help somebody:
module App =
type Model =
{ ...
ScrolledToTop : bool
type Msg =
| ScrollToTop of bool
let initModel =
ScrolledToTop = true
let update msg model =
match msg with
| ScrollToTop b ->
match b with
| true -> {model with ScrolledToTop = true}, Cmd.none
| false -> {model with ScrolledToTop = false}, Cmd.none
let view (model: Model) dispatch =
let questionPage disptach =
dependsOn (model.AllCategoriesList.Item(k), model.ScrolledToTop) (fun model (generalQuestionList, scrolledToTop) ->
title = pageName, content = View.StackLayout(padding = Thickness 05.0, verticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
children = [
?scrollTo =
(if scrolledToTop then
Some {
Index = 0
Position = ScrollToPosition.Start
Animate = AnimationKind.NotAnimated
items =[ for i in 0 .. generalQuestionList.Length - 1 do
View.StackLayout(padding = Thickness 05.0, verticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
children = [ ...]
text = "next Page",
command = (fun args -> dispatch (SelectPage (next)); dispatch (ScrollToTop (true)))