A web app to propose lightning talks at FAC

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status


Fac Yak

A thing where you can add and view lightning talks at Founders and Coders. Sign up and log in to add a talk, and view all talks on the main splash page. Team members are:


To get it running locally:

  1. clone repo
  2. npm install
  3. run database build scripts: node database/bd_build.js - main database, hosted on heroku. NOTE this will overwrite current database node database/bd_build_test.js - testing database
  4. npm run dev
  5. Create a config.env file and ask us for the contents!
  6. view project on port 8000
  7. npm run coveragefor code coverage

Dev Dependencies:

  • nodemon
  • tape
  • tap-spec
  • codecov
  • nyc / istanbul
  • supertest


  • bcryptjs
  • cookie
  • jsonwebtoken
  • and more...


  • User stories as issues on Github

  • Travis CI setup

  • Testing:

    • Tape and Tap Spec setup
    • Supertest for routing
    • codecov
    • badges (show in README.md), but not passing
    • database testing
  • Front end:

    • HTML: index, signuplogin, dashboard
    • CSS: reset, styles
    • JS: request, main.
    • Cookies (for login/ authentication). We have a login with jwt!
  • Database:

    • Test database (local to each machine)
    • Live database (hosted on heroku)
    • Conditionals in files to accommodate for local/ live

More in HackMD

Whiteboarding and User Stories

Original Whiteboard

User adds a post when logged in


  • Redirecting after submitting new user
    • problem with postData function in handler.js
  • Getting bcrypt to actually match passwords
  • Adding and getting environment variables to work in Travis (It worked when the config file was in Github)

What we are proud of

  • Promise on db_build.js
  • The YAK!!!
  • Not calling it FAK Chat