
Getting Started Page for Code Editor

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Yes, the problem is that new users of the code editor may find it challenging to understand and utilize its various features and functionalities. This can lead to a steep learning curve and potentially hinder the user experience.

Describe the solution you'd like
I propose the addition of a “Getting Started” page to the code editor. This page would serve as an introductory guide for new users, providing a list of various features and functionalities of the code editor.

The “Getting Started” page could include the following sections:

  1. Introduction: A brief overview of the code editor, its purpose, and its main features.

  2. Feature List: A comprehensive list of the code editor’s features, with brief descriptions of each.

  3. Basic Operations: A tutorial on how to perform basic operations in the code editor, such as creating a new file, saving a file, and editing a file.

  4. Advanced Features: An overview of the code editor’s advanced features, such as key-bindings, code completion, syntax highlighting, and potentially version control integration.

  5. Troubleshooting: A list of common issues that users might encounter and their solutions.

  6. Resources: Links to additional resources, such as detailed documentation and Github repo link for new contributors.

This would make the code editor more user-friendly, particularly for new users, and enhance the overall user experience.

I assume you mean it kinda like the Visual Studio Code's welcome tutorial, right?

Yes. But this code editor should retain it's original style and minimalism in getting started page too.