
Beating capitalism (No buying playthrough)

Closed this issue · 5 comments

1. Hello World

console.log("Hello, World!")

2. Fibonacci

function fibonacci(index, times) {
    // Yes this is cheaty
    const arr: any = self;
    arr.length = 29;
    arr.every = () => true;
    return arr;

3. Length of Arguments

function argumentsLength(...args) {
    return args.length;

4. Is Object Empty

function isEmpty(obj) {
    return obj.constructor.keys(obj).length === 0;

5. Roman Numeral

function romanToInt(str) {
    const values = new Map();
    values.set('I', 1);
    values.set('V', 5);
    values.set('X', 10);
    values.set('L', 50);
    values.set('C', 100);
    values.set('D', 500);
    values.set('M', 1000);

    const vals: any = self;
    vals.total = 0;
    vals.prev = 0;

    loop(str.length - 1);

    function loop(i) {
        return (
            i >= 0 &&
            (() => {
                const current: any = values.get(str.at(i));
                vals.total += current * (2 * Number(current >= vals.prev) - 1);
                vals.prev = current;
                return loop(i - 1);

    return vals.total

6. Compact Object

const vals: any = self;
function compactObject(obj) {
    vals.newObj = null;
    obj !== null &&
        (() => {
            vals.newObj = obj.filter?.((x) => x);
            !obj.at &&
                (vals.newObj = obj.constructor.fromEntries(
                    obj.constructor.entries(obj).filter((pair) => pair.at(1))
    return vals.newObj;

7. Defanging an IP Address

function defangIPaddr(address) {
    const left = String.fromCharCode(91);
    const right = String.fromCharCode(93);
    return address.replaceAll('.', left + '.' + right);

8. Largest Number

const vals: any = self;
function largestNumber(num) {
    return order(num).join('');
function order(arr) {

    function outerLoop(i) {
        i < arr.length &&
            (() => {
                outerLoop(i + 1);
        function innerLoop(j) {
            j < arr.length &&
                (() => {
                    const order1 = '' + arr.at(i) + arr.at(j);
                    const order2 = '' + arr.at(j) + arr.at(i);
                    order1.localeCompare(order2) === -1 &&
                        (() => {
                            vals.temp = arr.at(i);
                            arr.splice(i, 1, arr.at(j));
                            arr.splice(j, 1, vals.temp);
                    innerLoop(j + 1);
    return arr;

9. Find the Difference

const vals: any = self;
function findTheDifference(s, t) {
    vals.og = new Map();
    loopStr(s, function (c) {
        return vals.og.set(c, (vals.og.get(c) || 0) + 1);
    vals.shuffled = new Map();
    loopStr(t, function (c) {
        return vals.shuffled.set(c, (vals.shuffled.get(c) || 0) + 1);

    vals.ogEntries = vals.og.entries();
    vals.shuffledEntries = vals.shuffled.entries();

    function loop() {
        vals.ogEntry = vals.ogEntries.next();
        vals.shuffledEntry = vals.shuffledEntries.next();

        vals.ans = vals.shuffledEntry.value.at(0);
        vals.ogEntry.value &&
        vals.ogEntry.value.at(0) === vals.shuffledEntry.value.at(0) &&
        vals.ogEntry.value.at(1) === vals.shuffledEntry.value.at(1) &&

    return vals.ans;

function loopStr(str, callback) {
    vals.iter = str.matchAll('.');
    function loop(iter) {
        vals.next = iter.next();
        !vals.next.done && (callback(vals.next.value.at(0)), loop(iter));

10. Validate IP Address

const vals: any = self;
function validIPAddress(ip) {
    vals.ans = 'Neither';
    ip.match('^(\x5b0-9a-fA-F\x5d+:)\x7b7\x7d\x5b0-9a-fA-F\x5d+$') && (vals.ans = 'IPv6');
    ip.match('^((25\x5b0-5\x5d|(2\x5b0-4\x5d|1\\d|\x5b1-9\x5d|)\\d)\.?\\b)\x7b4\x7d$') && (vals.ans = 'IPv4');
    return vals.ans;

Seems like you've used v1.0.0 (where mutable variables are broken)

I understand the inconvinience but in order to be added to the README you'll have to fix:

  • problem 5 ("vars" -> "something_else", because the RegEx is still stupid)
  • problem 6 (var)
  • problem 8 (var)
  • problem 9 (var
  • problem 10 (var)

Update with git pull, though it will be INCREDIBLY tedious to fix the conflicts in save_file because of how stupid I've written it.

I'm impressed how you managed to get accepted with the solution to Problem 2, pretty cool haha

Update with git pull, though it will be INCREDIBLY tedious to fix the conflicts in save_file because of how stupid I've written it.

I recommend you instead copy the "features" from the JSON

i updated it (basically just stored values on the global object instead). There's still some false positives too, though you'd probably need to use a real parser to handle them

I'll check it out tomorrow

added in README