
OnFacebookAppRequestFinished and OnFacebookFeedFinished never called

Whyser opened this issue · 1 comments

As the title says, the events: OnFacebookAppRequestFinished and OnFacebookFeedFinished are never called when the following are invoked (I've tried on a laptop running Windows 8.1 and a Phone with Windows 8.1):

Session.ShowAppRequestsDialog(new WebDialogFinishedDelegate((result) =>
   if (result == WebDialogResult.WebDialogResultDialogCompleted){ // This is called
   }), message, title, appIdList);

Session.ShowFeedDialog(toId, link, linkName, linkCaption, linkDescription, picture);

For desktop I'm using the Facebook.Client.dll located in: _..\Facebook.Client.1.0.3\lib\win81_ and for phone: _..\Facebook.Client.1.0.3\lib\wpa81_ and for both the Facebook.dll located in: _..\Facebook.7.0.6\lib\portable-win81+wpa81_.

Can anyone else confirm this?

If someone could just confirm that it's not me doing something weird, I could actually take some time to see if I can find the issue, fix it and create a pull request. But I don't feel like "wasting" time looking for something that isn't broken.